
Grid - Window Manager for macOS

The fast, easy way to organize windows on your Mac. Snap windows by using gestures, keyboard shortcuts, dragging to corners, or menu bar.

Grid Clock Screensaver for Mac

The Grid Lock screensaver for Mac displays a grid of words on your screen and lights up the words relevant to the current time. ... Grid.Clock.0.0.5.saver.zip ( ...

How to Make Your Desktop Folders Snap to a Grid

Mac · 1. Right-click an empty part of the desktop and select Show View Options. If your mouse has only one button, hold down the Control key while clicking ...

How to split screen on Mac for extra productivity

2023年8月14日 — Click and hold the same green button in the toolbar; Drag the app window either to the left or right side of your screen; Click another app ...

Is there an OS X application that overlays a grid onto the ...

2016年2月15日 — The xScope app is a veritable powerhouse of overlay, measurement and screen detail functionality. You should be able to set up multiple grid ...

Macbook Pro 2020 Grid Pattern

2021年9月1日 — There's a grid pattern that takes up about 1/3 of the screen from the right edge. The grid lines are close together and are faint but ...


2016年4月10日 — The grid lines don't show up when I do a proper, OS X screenshot. So I've taken a picture of my physical monitor, an Asus monitor, to show the ...

Raster - for Mac OS X

Raster is a small tool for designers and developers that sits in your menu bar. It lets you display two grids and two guide lines to float above your Finder ...

Screen Grid

Screen Grid is an app that helps you align items on screen that stay on top of the monitor. It allows you create multiple grids on your screen.


Thefast,easywaytoorganizewindowsonyourMac.Snapwindowsbyusinggestures,keyboardshortcuts,draggingtocorners,ormenubar.,TheGridLockscreensaverforMacdisplaysagridofwordsonyourscreenandlightsupthewordsrelevanttothecurrenttime....Grid.Clock.0.0.5.saver.zip( ...,Mac·1.Right-clickanemptypartofthedesktopandselectShowViewOptions.Ifyourmousehasonlyonebutton,holddowntheControlkeywhileclicking ...,2023年8月...